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Prayer Requests

Christian Rodriguez

Mass on spine; undergoing tests

People of Israel

Everyone involved with the deadly attack of Israel

Continue to pray for:

Pam Merritt, and Ray Foster, Mary Edens and Benny Ertel, Shirley Gentry, Joyce Webb, Chris West, & Casey Brown, Roger West, Frances Adair, Joe Jones

Our Nation

Continue to pray for America

Missionary Friends

The Nichols


Liberty UMC Prayer Warrior Team

We Update Our Prayer List Regularly
To Submit a Prayer Request Click Here

Please Keep Everyone On This List In Your Prayers

Prayer Requests: 

Ken Langoff: Heart Surgery
John Stewart: Accidental injury and dementia
Joyce Webb: Eye Surgery
William and Erin Sumner: Fire at their business
Leigh Ann Willis: Upcoming heart cath

Continue to Pray: Pam Merritt, Mary Edens, Benny Ertel, Shirley Gentry, Joyce Webb, Chris West, Casey Brown, Roger West, Joe Jones, Christian Rodriguez, Gail Wilkes, Alan Eaton, Donna West

People of Israel

Our Nation

Our Missionary Friends, The Nichols



Liberty United Methodist Church

3091 Liberty Church Rd.

White Plains, GA 30678

(706) 467-3089


Liberty United Methodist is a historic church founded in 1786. We are located in White Plains, Georgia. Service is every Sunday at 10:00 AM

Pastor: Chris Huskins



Your donations help our church provide services to our community and assist with the upkeep of our historic campus 

© Liberty United Methodist Church 2020                     Created by: Melik Business Solutions, LLC

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